Community Programs

At Shamelessly Saved Productions, our goal is to redirect a troubled mindset into a positive lifelong journey. We do that through our Visual and Performing Arts program targeting at-risk youth. We also offer a Mentorship program for young girls.
An increasing number of community organizations are turning to arts programs…because they work. They are an effective and more affordable alternative to detention and police-centered crime prevention. They offer safe, engaging and constructive environments for young people. They target non-school hours – times when youth lack adult supervision, are vulnerable to community violence , and are most vulnerable to gang recruitment.
Learning Objectives

  • Recognition of where self-destructive behavior can lead
  • Understanding how to cope with feelings of rejection, abuse, and low self-esteem
  • Awareness of rebellious behavior and violent behavior
  • Teenage pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases

Proven Results

  • Decreased frequency of delinquent behavior
  • Decrease in offenses committed during the program period
  • Increase in academic achievement levels
  • Kids develop self-discipline because the activities require long hours of practice, focus and perseverance
  • Improvements in their attitudes toward school
  • Increased self-esteem and self-efficacy

We successfully achieve the program objectives through instruction and development of dramatic stage performances.
Our Mentorship program is available for girls dealing with all types of issues. It provides positive female role models for girls. The mentors are women who themselves have overcome obstacles to become successful.

Motivation – Developing an “I Can” Attitude

Understanding and Overcoming Challenges

Positive Thinking